Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monday Showtime (08-11-08: cheating)

My first official unemployed day (I know I'm cheating by naming this Monday and writing it on Wednesday but how else do people do this blogging stuff?).I woke up to torrential rains and sooooo wanted to go out but full seasons of Weeds and The L Word were calling my name. That is, after I wiped up all the water that came in through the windows of the 3-bedroom duplex that I'm house and dogsitting in. So I guess the new thing there was that I've never watched that many episodes of Showtime on Demand series in my entire life. So there. It was very exciting. I heart Mary Louise Parker. She's a hoot. Now, I'm not saying that I love her in the L Word kind of way, just the "you go girl" kind of way. And that's not to say that I advocate selling marijuana and creating grow houses but the writing for the show is amazing. See, that's how I got myself out of that one. Sound intelligent, compliment the intelletual WRITING. Besides watching a massive amount of TV, I simply stopped in to visit my favorite 2-year old for some yummy pasta that her mommy made and called it a night.

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