Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bloody Hell

London is loving me right now because I brought super warm weather. It's Indian Summer here now. Sooooo nice to be wandering around. I really stepped in it. I'm living in the celebrity neighborhood. The equivalent of the West Village I think from what I can gather. It's so stinkin' cute and lovely to walk around at night and see the insides of the houses, the artwork, the design, etc. I had great Lebanese food Thursday night and today we went to see Westminster Abbey and Big Ben and walk around Green Park. It was quite a bit of exploring (total new thing).

Tonight we are heading to Notting Hill to meet my Hugh Grant. Hope the bookshoppe is open. Darting off to Geneva on Monday and will be going to a hockey game Friday thanks to Fred. can't wait. I'm gonna be loud fer sure.

Photos to come!


Matthea Marquart said...

Where are the photos?!

London in warm weather - sounds amazing.

Elizabeth said...

i took 995 photos so it might take me a bit to upload and organize them. but i'm glad you're eager.